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GAF - Lingohr Global Small Cap Value
The GAF - Lingohr Global Small Cap Value Fund is an actively managed global equity fund. The fund pursues a value-oriented and systematic investment approach. The fund invests worldwide in small and medium-sized companies (so-called small caps). This is based on the proprietary stock selection process (CHICCO). The process combines quantitative stock screening with a subsequent fundamental assessment of all buy candidates.
The fund focuses on selecting the world's most attractive mid-cap companies. Country allocation is based solely on the relative attractiveness of individual companies. The objective of the investment strategy is to generate above-average capital growth.
GAF - Lingohr Global Small Cap Value - RGAF - Lingohr Global Small Cap Value - IGAF - Lingohr Global Small Cap Value - S
GAF - Lingohr Global Small Cap Value - R
Fund overview
ISIN | LU1479103126 |
WKN | A2AR4A |
Currency | EUR |
Launch date | 29.12.17 |
Minimum investment | none |
Utilization of Income | Distributing |
End of financial year | 31. July |
Fund administrator | Universal-Investment-Luxembourg S.A. |
Custodian / Depository | State Street Bank International GmbH, Luxembourg Branch |
Fund Manager | Lingohr Asset Management GmbH |
Management fee | up to 1.50 % p.a. |
Performance related fee | none |
Issuing price surcharge | up to 5 % |
Benchmark | MSCI AC World Small Cap Net Index in EUR |
Determination of NAV | daily |
Cut-off time | 11:00 h (Luxembourg time) |
Distribution permission | Luxembourg, Germany, Austria |
Further Information (month-end)
Net Asset Value | 122.24 EUR |
52-week peak/trough | 126.64 / 107.62 EUR |
Fund volume (total fund) | 18,155,674 EUR |
GAF - Lingohr Global Small Cap Value - I
Fund overview
ISIN | LU1479102821 |
WKN | A2AR39 |
Currency | EUR |
Launch date | 30.12.16 |
Minimum investment | 1,000,000 EUR |
Utilization of Income | Distributing |
End of financial year | 31. July |
Fund administrator | Universal-Investment-Luxembourg S.A. |
Custodian / Depository | State Street Bank International GmbH, Luxembourg Branch |
Fund Manager | Lingohr Asset Management GmbH |
Management fee | up to 0.70 % p.a. |
Performance related fee | none |
Issuing price surcharge | up to 5 % |
Benchmark | MSCI AC World Small Cap Net Index in EUR |
Determination of NAV | täglich |
Cut-off time | 11:00 h (Luxembourg time) |
Distribution permission | Luxembourg, Germany, Austria |
Further Information (month-end)
Net Asset Value | 137.18 EUR |
52-week peak/trough | 141.65 / 120.38 EUR |
Fund volume (total fund) | 18,155,674 EUR |
GAF - Lingohr Global Small Cap Value - S
Fund overview
ISIN | LU1479103472 |
WKN | A2AR4B |
Currency | EUR |
Launch date | 29.12.17 |
Minimum investment | 10,000 EUR |
Utilization of Income | Distributing |
End of financial year | 31. July |
Fund administrator | Universal-Investment-Luxembourg S.A. |
Custodian / Depository | State Street Bank International GmbH, Luxembourg Branch |
Fund Manager | Lingohr Asset Management GmbH |
Management fee | up to 0.45 % p.a. |
Performance related fee | none |
Issuing price surcharge | up to 5 % |
Benchmark | MSCI AC World Small Cap Net Index in EUR |
Determination of NAV | daily |
Cut-off time | 11:00 h (Luxembourg time) |
Distribution permission | Luxembourg, Germany, Austria |
Further Information (month-end)
Net Asset Value | 123.82 EUR |
52-week peak/trough | 127.8 / 108.55 EUR |
Fund volume (total fund) | 18,155,674 EUR |