Private Wealth Management

Lingohr was founded more than 30 years ago as an asset management company for private clients. To this day, investment management of private wealth mandates is one of our core competencies.

Professional individual asset management enables an investment concept tailored to your individual investor profile.

Our value-oriented, fundamental investment philosophy, better known as "value investing", is also the central pillar of our portfolio strategy in private wealth management.

Methodology and implementation

Together with you, we create an individual investment strategy. Your specific wishes and ideas are the focus of our attention. We record your specifications regarding your goals, risk tolerance and liquidity requirements. Based on this, we develop a portfolio strategy tailored to your needs and requirements.

Depending on the asset allocation of your strategy, stocks, bonds, currencies and liquidity are combined. The equity component of the portfolios can be partly covered by our equity funds. These have different regional characteristics, but are always managed with our value-oriented fundamental strategy. But of course we also offer our clients individual investments in shares and fixed-interest securities, which we hand-pick for you.

Our collaboration

You retain control of your assets at the custodian bank of your choice at all times.

We are only authorized with a limited power of attorney to buy and sell securities on your behalf. Bank transfers, other capital transfers and loans are not part of our power of attorney. Lingohr therefore has no direct access to your assets.

In addition to the client's custodian bank, Lingohr prepares its own reporting, which is made available to the client in an individually agreed frequency. Our partner banks offer digital solutions to support this process, enabling our clients to obtain comprehensive information about their portfolio at any time.

Minimum investment

In order to enable a broad diversification of our client portfolios, which is an important part of our strategy, a minimum investment of one million euros is required for an asset management mandate.

As a rule, our mutual funds are not subject to a minimum investment amount. On request, we are happy to provide logistical support for the acquisition of fund units.

Feel free to get in touch with us

Our portfolio managers have many years of experience and expertise in managing private assets. This is the basis for comprehensive support and ensuring the implementation of your requirements and needs.

We are looking forward to hearing from you. We will be happy to answer your questions and explain our investment philosophy and our working methods in a personal meeting.

Axel Jelunke, Senior Portfolio Manager: , Phone: +49 211 95 707-111

Fabian Graf von Einsiedel, Portfolio Manager, , Phone: +49 211 95 707-110

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The English translation is only for the purpose of convenience.

The information on this website is not intended for people and companies located in regions where Lingohr Asset Management GmbH is not authorized to advertise or sell products or offer services. In particular, this information is not intended for distribution in the United States of America (USA), for citizens of the USA or for persons resident or domiciled in the USA or persons acting on their behalf. The content shown is for informational purposes only. In particular, it does not constitute an offer to sell, purchase or subscribe to other assets. In the event that a person, whose residence or office is located abroad, is able to access the website of Lingohr Asset Management GmbH and the information contained within, Lingohr Asset Management GmbH does not accept any guarantee or liability that the information contained complies with the relevant applicable legal provisions of the respective country.