Individual solutions for institutional clients

Managing and servicing institutional mandates is part of Lingohr's core business. Our clients include pension funds, endowments, insurance companies, religious organizations as well as large family offices in Germany and abroad. At the same time, we act as portfolio manager or advisor for white labeled or co-branded mutual funds.

Our unique and modular investment strategy is particularly suitable for tailor-made solutions for sophisticated investors. This refers to the portfolio allocation with regards to regional or country-specific needs, exclusion criteria, ESG requirements, individual benchmarks, and the operational setup of the fund vehicles.

Range of services

In the field of segregated institutional mandates, we work with numerous management companies and custodians. The client determines the fund structure and decides, if we act as portfolio manager or investment advisor. We offer the entire service spectrum and are pleased to adapt to the individual needs of the mandates and vehicles.

Personal support and direct access to decision-makers are a matter of course for us. The inclusion of external consultants, specific reporting requirements or processes for investment committee meetings are coordinated individually.

Transparency and trust are enormously important cornerstones for successful partnerships. We are at your side in good and bad times, offering extensive information on performance development, research updates and positioning of mandates if and when this is desired.

Systematic value investing

Lingohr is an independent asset manager specialized in systematic value investing. Our core competence lies in the identification of undervalued companies worldwide.

For more than 25 years, we have been pursuing an investment process that successfully combines fundamental and quantitative stock selection. The process offers reliable, transparent and customizable solutions for institutional investors. Our goal is to generate long-term excess returns and thus become a reliable partner and building block in your overall portfolio.

Contact us

Our client advisors and portfolio managers have many years of experience and expertise in the institutional asset management industry. This forms the foundation for comprehensive support and ensures the implementation of your requirements and needs.

We seek equal partnerships and look forward to personal exchange.

Steffen Ulshöfer

Managing Director (COO)

Phone: +49 211 95 707-103


Axel Jelunke

Senior Portfolio Manager

Phone: +49 211 95 707-111


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The English translation is only for the purpose of convenience.

The information on this website is not intended for people and companies located in regions where Lingohr Asset Management GmbH is not authorized to advertise or sell products or offer services. In particular, this information is not intended for distribution in the United States of America (USA), for citizens of the USA or for persons resident or domiciled in the USA or persons acting on their behalf. The content shown is for informational purposes only. In particular, it does not constitute an offer to sell, purchase or subscribe to other assets. In the event that a person, whose residence or office is located abroad, is able to access the website of Lingohr Asset Management GmbH and the information contained within, Lingohr Asset Management GmbH does not accept any guarantee or liability that the information contained complies with the relevant applicable legal provisions of the respective country.